Centos 6 / Ubuntu 12 - Changing Mac Address (Cloning VM)

If you are running a Linux system, and you decide to either:

  • Put your hard drive / ssd in another computer.
  • Clone your virtual machine and change the mac address so get new dhcp ip
  • Clone your hard drive and use in another machine
Then you will suffer from having a different mac address from what ubuntu had when it was installed. This will prevent your networking/internet from working and also cause your system to take ages to start up (gets stuck on waiting for network).


Ubuntu Solution 1

Remove the file

and restart the machine, resulting in it being automatically regenerated correctly.
sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
sudo reboot

I have done this on a Virtualbox and my eth1 device (which still shows as eth1 in VB) was "converted" into an eth0 device, resulting in any static settings in
not working. I had to update that file from eth1 to eth0.

Ubuntu Solution 2

If you know your new MAC address (from your NIC or artificially in virtualbox).
Simply edit the configuration file at:/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and update the bit after

in order to edit your mac address. Make sure you choose the appropriate interface if there are several (wlan for wireless, eth0 or eth1 for your ethernet ports.

Centos 6

    Find out what the MAC address is by running:

    ifconfig -a
    Plug that MAC address into the relevant script inside the
    E.g. if it stated eth1, then the script would be ifcfg-eth1.
    Restart your network
    service network restart

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