Ubuntu 12.04 - Install Eclipse

    To install eclipse, you can install an 'old' version immediately with the following commands...
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install eclipse

    Alternatively, download and install the latest standard version by manually downloading and setting up:

    cd ~/Downloads
    wget http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.eclipse.org/eclipseMirror/technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/R/eclipse-standard-kepler-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf eclipse-standard-kepler-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
    mv eclipse/ /path/to/where/you/want/eclipse
    rm eclipse-standard-kepler-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

    For a PHP specific eclipse IDE, it is probably best to download the eclipse version from zend here. The steps are the same as above, skipping the wget. There is a good document on how to set up Eclipse for PHP on linux.

    For 64 bit Users:
    ln -s /usr/lib/jni/libswt-* ~/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/
    For 32 bit Users:
    ln -s /usr/lib/jni/libswt-* ~/.swt/lib/linux/x86/
    To install Php development tools (PDT for short), go to help->install new software and then enter:
    Feel free to call it something like PDT. Then just click the checkbox and install.
    If you want to set up PHPUnit tests, then there is a guide here that I have not tried yet.


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  1. Replies
    1. No problem, although I'm pretty sure the point of this comment was to link to your own article. I am happy to link similar articles in my blog, and have done so accordingly. I made sure to check it out before linking though.

  2. thanks. I know technically I should have an idea where I want to keep programs that I install.... but realistically I would like to move these where others would expect them to be. can you suggest the top 2 or 3 places to keep programs that I install that aren't via apt get?

    1. Sure thing. Personally I stick with keeping these in my home directory, but sticking them in /usr/local is good too. Quite a lot of applications, such as steam, install to the home directory, but prefixed with a . to hide it. Netbeans uses both areas.
      Most applications installed by a package manager or software center by default get installed to /usr/bin/app-name here. To see this just type something like "which $APP" e.g. "which touch". With Linux it's very much a case of you're in control, you decide.
